Tuesday 25 August 2015

Steam Cooked Choco Walnut Cake

Wanna indulge in some chocolate sin? Who said that you can't make your own cake and have it?

This recipe for steam cooked choco walnut cake is super simple. It takes only a couple of basic ingredients and preparation time is less than 5 minutes, cooking time 30 minutes. The advantage of this recipe is that you don't need an oven to bake the cake. You can simply cook it through steam in a regular pressure cooker or an electric rice cooker. So go ahead and satisfy your sweet tooth with this delicious cake recipe.


1. Pressure cooker chocolate flavored cake mix - 120 g

2. Walnut powder - 1 cup

3. Oil - 15 ml

4. Milk - 100 ml (if you are skipping the walnuts, then 50 ml milk)


Step 1. Empty the contents of the cake mix into a large bowl. I used Pillsbury Choco Idly Cake Mix.

Step 2. Pour in 2 tbsp of oil and just give a light mix. Any kind of oil will do, except the heavy aromatic ones like mustard oil. I used refined sunflower oil.

Step 3. Add half the quantity of milk (50 ml), little at a time so as to avoid lumps and mix faster and easily.

Step 4. Gently fold the batter to get a creamy and light consistency.

Step 5. Blend 1 cup of walnuts coarsely to get large grained powder. Blending them too fine will make them ooze out their oil and turn it into a paste rather than a powder.

Step 6. Add the walnuts into the cake batter.

Step 7: Add the remaining milk, again a little at a time and mix it in to the batter to get a thick consistency.

Step 8. Grease your mould with few drops of oil so that the cake doesn't stick to it while cooking and de-moulding will be easier and smoother. I used medium sized idly plates. You can also use any bowl which is slightly larger than the quantity of the batter.

Step 9. Fill the moulds 3/4th with the batter, as it will rise while cooking. If you too use a medium sized idly plate, then 1 tbsp of batter into each mould will be sufficient. Tap the plate/ mould on a flat surface to evenly spread the mixture and release any trapped air in the batter. However, do not tap too much or the cakes won't come out fluffy.

Step 10. Sprinkle some of the walnut powder and some more crushed walnuts on the top for some added crunch to the cake.

Step 11. Fill the pressure cooker/ electric rice cooker with 1 cm high water (around 1 - 2 glasses) and put the mould inside. Put the lid on and let it cook without a whistle on for about 30 minutes. You know when your cakes are ready when you get the chocolatey aroma all over your house and if you poke a fork into the cake, it should come out clean without any traces of batter sticking to it. Depending on your cooker, you may need to cook a bit longer. I used an electric rice cooker, and the cakes were done in 30 minutes flat.

Step 12. When the cakes are done, take off the cooker and let cool on the kitchen counter/ table with good ventilation. It would take nearly 15 - 20 minutes to cool down. If the cake does not completely cool down, it will break and crumbl when you try to take it out of the mould, so be patient at this stage.

Step 13. Take a knife and go round the edges of the cake to loosen it from the mould. Invert the mould on a serving plate and tap on the mould to let go off the cake.

Step 14. Garnish with more walnuts or chocolate if desired. Just eat and relish the cake you have just made! As you can see, they came out like little fluffy, soft, buttery smooth choco idlys (errrr...cakes!). This recipe made 16 such idly cakes.

Step 15. This is the most important step of all. Share this recipe and link to this blog post with your friends and spread the goodness!


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