Monday 24 August 2015

REVIEW: Dabur Lal Tail

Dabur Lal Tail is a product of the Indian company, Dabur, which produces Ayurvedic herbal products, and Lal Tail literally means Red Oil.

It is a special Ayurvedic baby oil which claims scientifically proven 2 times faster physical growth in babies. It also claims that it keeps bones and muscles strong, and prevents infantile rickets and associated flabby, dry skin. It's been dermatologically tested for skin safety.

The composition of this Ayurvedic medicine is as follows.
Each 100 ml of this oil is prepared from:
Shankhapushpi plant powder 37.04 g
Urad dal (Black gram) powder 9.88 g
Ratanjot root powder 1.23 g
Camphor leaves extract 0.925 g
Sarala sapwood oil 1.85 g
Sesame seed oil q.s to 100 ml

The benefits of each of the ingredients is as below.
Shankhapushpi plant powder - Also known as Aloe weed, it grows widely in India, especially in the state of Bihar. It is useful to enhance the beauty of the skin and penetrates all the layers of the skin, nourishing it. It has an invigorating effect on health and boosts immunity and helps weight gain. It also induces feeling of calm and brings good, sound sleep. However, it is mostly well known for boosting memory power and concentration by improving blood circulation to the brain.

Urad Dal / Black Gram powder - Urad dal is rich in calcium and iron and is recommended by the doctors to include in baby's diet, most commonly in the form of idli. Applied topically, it also helps with weight gain. It nourishes muscles and keeps them strong while preventing rickets.

Ratanjot root pwder - Ratanjot is a dried herb that is grown in the state of Jammu Kashmir in India and it is what gives this "red" oil its distinctive color. It is also used to lend its color to wines, vegetable oils, tinctures, cosmetics and varnishes. It is known as Alkanet in English. The root can cure fever, stings, and small wounds. If applied to the hair, it prevents premature graying. Applied on skin, it nourishes the skin and improves its tone and glow.

Camphor leaves extract - Camphor relieves body pains and cures fevers and lung congestion. As it is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic, it keeps skin diseases and infections at bay.  

Sarala sapwood oil - Also known as Pine tree oil, it is used to treat infantile paralysis and atrophy of muscles. It is known to help colic when massaged on the stomach area of the baby. 

Sesame seed oil - It is rich in zinc, and therefore helps skin's elasticity. Babies are born with lose skin, and sesame oil helps make skin tight and reduces the cellulite "rolls" typically found on a baby's back and waist. It is very moisturizing and prevents diaper rashes too. Massaging a baby with sesame oil improves his physical growth due to its rich calcium and iron content. Applied to the hair, it kills off lice infestation as well as keeping the hair strong.

With such amazing benefits and powerful ingredients, this oil is all boon for a baby's massage oil.

It comes in a dark reddish plastic bottle which protects the oil from sunlight. The new version of the bottles are coming with flip tops which are so much more convenient to disperse some oil. The oil is pleasantly herbal fragrant and deep red in color. It does not stain the babies skin. Even if it gets onto clothes, it easily washes off.

I started using this oil when my baby was around 3 - 4 months old. I was previously using another popular branded Ayurvedic baby oil, but I did not see any results on my baby's skin or weight gain. Moreover, it was very strong fragrance which I worried would be too much for a little one's tender nose. At this time, I saw Dabur's Lal Tail while browsing at a local grocery. Honestly, I was a little skeptical of using "Lal" (red) oil by Dabur for my little one because I did use Dabur's Lal Dant Manjan (toothpaste) and it was so (SO) strong. So, I reckoned this might be similarly strong as well. I went home and opened the bottle, and was relieved that it didn't smell as strong! I tested a bit on my own skin and it wasn't harsh as I had assumed! So, safely I went ahead with it for my baby. We would give a 10 - 15 minute massage and exercise with this oil, following it up with a warm bath in the mornings. In the evenings, we would again give a (smaller) massage plus exercise. There was significant development in terms of baby's weight, height, as well as skin texture. Although, my baby's weight gain has always been steady and the Doctor also assured me that his weight gain as well as height was on track and completely normal for his age. Sometimes, we would have to skip oil massage as the baby would wake up too late for a timely bath, or it was too cold to strip him off his clothes for a massage, or we were out, or for some reason a massage was not feasible, I would notice within a day or two the result - baby would seem as though he had lost a little weight! Well, maybe it's just my anxiousness, but this I would notice every time Lal Tail was skipped. Then around baby's 10 - 11 month, when we felt he was mature enough to skip an oil massage routine, we switched from Lal Tel to regular sesame oil. Two weeks had gone by, and my baby just didn't put on a single ounce! Probably just his developmental stage but as a mother (an anxious one at that), I decided to resume Lal Tail for him. He sprung back to putting on the chubby! I'm a happy mom, thanks to Dabur Lal Tail. So, it's been 8 months since we have been using it, and by the One year, he more than quadrapled his birth weight (AMAZING)! Our Pediatrician always congratulates us on his healthy development. According to him, babies tend to triple their birth weight by one year. His height has jumped 50% on the growth chart! Of course, this attributes to his feeding and exercise, but I would humbly thank Lal Tail for supporting his development all along. Also, it keeps his skin soft, even after a bath! I rarely feel the need to apply a baby cream to moisturize his skin. A 100 ml bottle comes up to a month.

My experience has been amazing with Lal Tail, and honestly, I came to know about the benefits of the ingredients only after researching, so I'm blown away by how much it helps new babies grow!


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