Wednesday 12 August 2015

Green Juice for Weight Loss - Recipe, Benefits, and Results

Juice delivers high concentration of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and sugar directly to the bloodstream without fiber and are better absorbed. However, this isn't a concern with vegetable juice as they are naturally low in sugar. Research says that vegetable juice, especially the leafy kind, is linked to less risk of developing diabetes.

Green juice packs in more vegetables and its goodness within, that we would otherwise struggle to get into our tummies. So, if we are able to eat X portion of greens, juice packs in the nutrients multiple times  of these green vegetables to produce the X portion that we are able to consume as per our appetite. So it is the easiest way to get the daily recommended serving of green vegetables.Being low in fiber, it is easier on the tummy for digestion giving those organs some much needed rest. 

Green juice is synonymous with health, and many are wary that it looks so scary and it might not taste good. I promise that it is not that bad at all!

As with any other juice, it is best consumed immediately or it starts to oxidize and lose its nutritional value. But it can be stored longer in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Main ingredients  - cucumber and spinach.

Feel free to add all your favorite green veggies in - spring onion, celery stalk, coriander, mint, curry leaves, lettuce, green apple, cabbage, broccoli, the works! The more, the merrier.

My recipe:
2 cucumbers
2 bunches spinach
1 small bunch spring onion 
1 small bunch coriander leaves
4 - 5 mint leaves
7 - 10 curry leaves
1/2 small lettuce
1 large lemon (to taste)
1/2 tsp black salt (to taste)

Firstly, give all of the veggies a very thorough wash under running water and then put all of them into a Juicer.  If you don't have a juicer, simply put them in your mixer-grinder to pulverize it and sieve it to get the juice out. Finally add the lemon juice and black salt and give it a nice mix. This recipe makes enough (approximately 1 litre) to serve 4 . Sometimes I  alone consume it all. 

Best time to have it is in the morning on an empty stomach or at least an hour or so before a meal. This is the best time as the body is able to absorb all of the nutrients better. Go for organic veggies if they are available at your place as they are free of harmful pesticides and taste much better.

Cucumbers are high in water content helping keep the body well hydrated. It also has phytosterols that help lower cholesterol and electrolytes like potassium that keeps blood pressure in check.

Spinach is a fabulous source of iron and calcium for healthy blood and bones.

Coriander helps prevent nausea and other skin disorders due to its detoxifying nature. It also helps menstrual problems.

Spring onion is high in sulfur and helps treat acne.

Mint is a natural antiseptic and heals the body and gives a refreshing feeling as well.

Curry leaves control acidity and helps with weight loss.

Lettuce helps hair growth and also add a wonderful crunchy taste to the juice especially together with lemon juice.

Lemon juice is rich in Vitamin C and helps absorb the nutrients fast and brings out the flavour of the greens.

Black salt also helps with weight salt and helps neutralize the strong alkali taste of the greens.

I have been following this juice recipe every day without fail in the morning on empty stomach and within the first 2 - 3 days itself my weight loss was visible! My waist line had visibly reduced and my tummy had flattened as well. Overall, my figure looks more toned and there is no change in my regular workout routine or meals. My skin looks refreshed and I am also feeling stronger from within. Also, I have noticed that my teeth look shinier. My hair loss has reduced. In a month, I lost 5 kg. The results are fantastic and very motivating to continue this green juicing. It is easy and I find it tasty, so just like that it has become my favorite recipe to lose weight.

Do give it a try and leave your feedback in the comments.

Positivity always,

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1 comment:

  1. These are good tips to lose weight but to get more effective results then take herbal supplements for weight loss.
