Thursday 20 August 2015

DIY Coffee Faux Tanner

FACT: Coffee is one of the richest dietary source of anti-oxidants.

FUN FACT: Coffee is the second most traded commodity in the world. (Oil is the first.)

DIY FACT: Coffee is a versatile ingredient that can be adopted in numerous ways for a glorious tan.


1 tbsp fresh, ground coffee (not the instant kind - as it contains chicory which doesn't have the same effect)

Optional 1 cup water

Optional your favorite tanner or lotion/cream/oil

Basically, just brew coffee as this will release the flavanoids (anti-oxidants). Anti-oxidants are great to fight off free radical damage to the skin such as wrinkles, age spots, eczema, acne, etc. Take the ground coffee mixture, or the decoction and gently massage onto the skin. Leave as is for 15 minutes and rinse off.

Alternatively, mix the mixture in your favorite tanner for an added boost of color and goodness of coffee on the skin. Even your favorite lotion, cream, or oil can act as a base for this coffee mask/scrub.

Coffee on its own is good enough for this mask/scrub as caffeine is the sole promoter of skin tan. The caffeine leaves a temporary, subtle golden stain on the skin much similar in appearance to a natural tan. It is also believed that regular application of coffee on skin and hair does help to darken it.

So slather on while you sip on some coffee and enjoy the benefits inside out!


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