Friday 21 August 2015

HOW TO: Sharpen Make up Pencils without Losing

Make up Pencils - Eye Pencil, Eyebrow Pencil, Lip Pencil, et al. come packaged with the perfect pointed end. Precise lines render perfect finish until they need some sharpening. But does your sharpener eat up most of your Pencil? Don't toss out the sharpener yet! It's not its fault!! All make up pencils' key ingredient is wax. Wax is what renders it its creamy texture and the ability to stick to your skin - also to your sharpener. Since it is soft at room temperature, the moment it touches the blade of the sharpener, it sticks to it and flakes out as you sharpen. Result - a stubby pencil shaving. Want to know how the pencils come out perfectly sharpened out of the factory? Want to achieve the same perfection?

Answer: Just pop the pencils in the FREEZER of your refrigerator! About 10 - 20 minutes should be good enough depending on your refrigerator. The wax will harden at such cool temperatures and make sharpening a cake walk - without the caking. The result will be a smooth sharpening - much like in your dreams! Less product wastage, more product usage!!!



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