Saturday 15 August 2015

How to remove Glitter/ Gel Nail Polish

Somethings are a pleasure to behold, but a pain to get rid off. Glitter/ Gel nail polish, for instance! I'm sure you know this feeling too. Rubbing the nails over and over with remover and it just won't go.

Here is an easy method to remove such stubborn nail polishes, paints, laquers, et al.

You will need:

Cotton pads

Nail polish remover

Cling wrap

5 minutes of your precious time


Soak the cotton pad in nail polish remover.

Place on the nail.

Wrap finger tip with cling wrap.

Wait for 5 minutes.

Remove foil and swipe nails with the cotton. Most nail polish would have dissolved into the remover and any remaining traces will easily swipe off.



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