Thursday 13 August 2015

DIY Tooth Paste for Sparkling Teeth

Smile is a curve that sets everything straight!

Yes, indeed! That is the power of a smile. Smiles are universal greeting. They make you look more pleasant and trustworthy as well as releasing endorphins - making you feel better too! People who smile more live longer, are less stressed, and more successful in life. These are the benefits hidden in your smile that can turn your and others frown upside down too; because when you smile, the world smiles with you.

Here's a simple paste that you can DIY at home with simple kitchen ingredients to give you the extra boost of confidence to flash those pearls.

1 Strawberry
1 inch cube of Apple
A pinch of Sea salt or Himalayan pink salt 
A pinch of Clove powder or 1 drop of Clove oil

Use as a supplementary dental care ones a week. Puree all ingredients together and apply on the teeth for 5 minutes. Rinse off and clean your mouth as usual. 

Strawberries - Strawberries are rich sources of polyphenols that inhibit the formation of plaque and also fight bacteria that contribute to tooth and gum decay. The acids in the strawberries help to whiten the teeth.

Apple - Apples are called nature's toothbrush as they stimulate the gums, stimulate saliva, and fight decay causing bacteria.

Sea salt - Sea salt is an analgesic and antiseptic, protecting teeth from decay and cavity related toothaches.

Clove - It is anti microbial, antifungal and antiseptic that has been used since ages for relief from toothaches.

Enjoy fresh feeling and clean, sparking teeth. It will naturally whiten teeth with regular use. It will also reduce bad breath. Pain due to cavities will lesson. It reduces and removes the formation of plaque and tartar. It brings a healthy circulation of blood to the gums and makes them stronger and reduces bleeding. It is very good for sensitive teething. Use ones a week and avoid overuse that can damage the enamel. 


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