Tuesday 25 August 2015

HOW TO: Eat Chia Seeds & Benefits

Chia seeds are the new "in-thing" fad foods. Would you believe it belongs to the mint family? Chia actually means oily in the native language from which it was derived. The seeds yield up to 35% oil. The Aztecs used it in their culinary almost like a staple. They knew the benefits. They flourished and they were mighty. Now the secret's out of the bag! Come on, let's grab 'em!

Ooooookaaaaayyy??? So, you are first thinking how to eat 'em?

Step 1. Take 2 tablespoons of chia seeds in a bowl.

Step 2. Fill up water so as to fully submerge the seeds and add a bit more because the seeds are known to be thirsty and they drink up all that water and become puffy balloon seeds! o_O Typically, 2 tbsp chia seeds will need about an ounce (~ 30 ml) of water. Hurrah!

Step 3. Let them take their time to drink up all that water. They are tiny, so they guzzle up slowly as well. In about 10 - 15 minutes, the water must be in their belly and they become jelly! ^_^

Step 4. Just eat 'em up! Do not chew, just swallow. They gonna be bland, so nothing to worry. The consistency gonna be like a nutty jelly. Chewing destroys the seeds, so you MUST swallow directly. If you are bored with bland stuff (thanks to your cooking skills) or are just too timid to try 'em like that, you may add some tomato chutney, or sambhar, or gravy, or curry, or noodles! Aaah, not noodles. You glutton. Just add about 2 spoons of your desired flavoring and chow it down. I added some tomato chutney from the morning's breakfast.

Once they are in your tummy, they are known to puff up 10 times their size! So imagine, you just had 2 tbspfulls of chia seeds, they gonna puff up to 20 tbspfulls volume! So that is pretty filling actually! So, with just a little, hunger pangs are gone - with very little calories. Perfect, ain't it?

Now for the Benefits:

Rich in Vitamin E ~ smooth and silky skin and shiny hair.

Omega 3 ~ alleviates depression, hormonal balance, improves metabolism.

Fiber ~ the easily soluble kind of fiber keeping the digestion track happy.

Zinc ~ anti-ageing (I'm only 16!).

Magnesium ~ keeps blood pumping through the body serving all the organs, soothes anxiety (no worries), regulates blood sugar.

Protein ~ highest source of protein measured gram - to - gram, rich source of collagen encouraging amino acids, keeps skin firm and youthful.

Potassium ~ eases bloating and puffiness (go away water weight).

Detoxifying food!!! Do you need more benefits to be convinced to eat Chia seeds? Go grab a pack of chia seeds at your nearest super market now. If you can't find them there, you can find them on Amazon. Links are right below my sign off.

Bon appetit,


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