Tuesday 11 August 2015

Benefits of Vitamins on Skin & Hair

Trivia: "Vitamine", coined by Polish biochemist, Casimir Funk (too funky for my vitamins), from Latin 'Vita' meaning life and 'Amine' from the belief that all such nutrients were amines. With the discovery of Vitamin C, it was learnt that there was no amine component in it, so the final 'e' was dropped.

Fact: 13 vitamins are universally recognized at present.

Feed your skin inside out! Here's how each of the 13 vitamins blesses your skin/ hair.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A is present in skincare products in the form of Retinol. Vitamin A (and E) are the most potent anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants protect the skin from the destructive action of free radicals in the environment. Retinol also supports cell renewal, so it promotes healthy skin by replacing damaged, scarred skin cells with healthy underlying cells.Therefore, it is used in anti-scars creams. It is known to boost collagen production and is used in many anti-aging, anti-wrinkle creams. It is used in acne care and it also helps cure eczema and soothe sunburn. Foods abundant in Vitamin A are carrot, spinach, sweet potato, liver, fish, pumpkin.

Vitamin B -There are 8 recognized B vitamins that constitute the B complex - Vitamin B1, B2, B3,B5, B6,B7, B9, B12.  

Vitamin B1 is also known as Thiamine and often referred to as the "anti-stress" vitamin. It protects from the signs of aging like wrinkles, age spots, and other age-related conditions. Foods abundant in Vitamin B1 are pork, oatmeal, brown rice, potatoes, eggs.

Vitamin B2 is also known as Riboflavin. It is useful for the health of skin, nails and hair. Riboflavin also helps to clean up the skin pustules that are a type of acne. Foods abundant in Vitamin B2 are almonds, eggs, dairy products, green beans, asparagus. 

Vitamin B3 is also known as Niacin. It has anti aging, acne preventing, and skin oil balancing properties. Foods abundant in Vitamin B3 are meat, fish, eggs, mushrooms, tree nuts.

Vitamin B5 is popular in the beauty world as Pro-vitamin B5 or D-Panthanol for their moisturizing properties. As a humectant, it is widely used in hair products to make it softer and manageable (...Pantene?). It converts to Pantothenic acid in the skin. It is effective as a moisturizer and softener, and plumps out skin reducing the appearance of fine lines. Foods abundant in Vitamin B5 are meat, broccoli, avocados.

Vitamin B6, also know as Pyridoxamine, helps in treating eczema, dandruff, acne (preventing excess production of sebum), hair loss and dry skin. Foods abundant in Vitamin B6 are meat, tree nuts, bananas.

Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H or Biotin has for ages been referred to as the “beauty vitamin” for its very important metabolic function, which translates to healthy skin, hair and nails. This creates a gloss on skin, relieves dry, itchy skin, dandruff, and prevents hair loss. Foods abundant in Vitamin B7 are Raw egg yolk, liver, peanuts, leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid is the all important vitamin during pregnancy can also help in post pregnancy issues like hair loss and dull skin. It directly increases iron levels and helps hair grow faster and stronger. Foods abundant in Vitamin B9 are leafy green vegetables.

Vitamin B12 controls and inhibits excessive melanin production. It prevents hair graying and at the same time helps Vitiligo on topical application. It makes hair stronger and prevents hair loss and splits. It prevents dullness in skin and also prevents skin lesions. Food abundant in Vitamin B12 is meat.

Vitamin C - It is also known as ascorbic acid and it is the main ingredient in skin brightening and lightening products. Vitamin C is the building block of collagen, and it tightens skin, shrinks pores, and repairs skin damage. Foods abundant in Vitamin C are citrus fruits.

Vitamin D - The famous sunshine vitamin is essential for the development of skin cells.Vitamin D is a key ingredient for beautiful looking skin. Ergocalciferol, a plant source of vitamin D doesn’t require sunlight to start giving skin the benefits of vitamin D and is found in skin care products. Foods that are abundant in Vitamin D are milk,fish, eggs, liver, mushrooms.

Vitamin E - It is another powerful anti-oxidant. Vitamin E is found in skin and hair care products as Tocopherol. It treats scars, eczema, and dryness. It moisturizes and softens skin and hair , encourages hair growth and stronger hair, prevents breakage and split ends. Foods that are abundant in Vitamin E are nuts and seeds, leafy greens, and wheatgerm.

Vitamin K - It is available as phylloquinone,menaquinones. It is essential for blood clotting, but when applied topically it erases scars and pigmentation like spider veins, stretch marks, and burns. It is also used topically to treat rosacea. Vitamin K is used to speed up skin healing and reduce bruising and swelling. Foods that are abundant in Vitamin K are green veggies, sprouts and herbs. 

That is the all the wonders that vitamins can do to your skin, hair, nails and general well-being. Hope you found this article interesting.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Blog! Thanks to Admin for Sharing such useful information related to Health. Keep sharing such good Articles. Addition to your Story here I am Contributing one more Similar Story The essential need of Multivitamins for Healthy Skin and Hair.
